Submitted by Barrett Morgan ... on

This August 15th marks the end of our fifth year in business.
What’s more exciting is that it begins our sixth year in business.
We could sit around and talk about what we’ve accomplished, where we’ve been, and how hard it was to get here (which we do all of the time), but it’s more fun to dream about the future.
This new year, the sixth year, is what will make us different. It will take us places we’ve never been, see projects we’ve never imagined being a part of, and will build us into the design staple we’re always striving for.
How will we get there? By accepting new projects and challenges. By being involved with our clients from concept design through implementation, and throughout multiple phases. More work, more sweat and tears, means more of a prosperous outcome for our clients and ourselves.
Challenges bring out the best in designers. They encourage us to do things we don’t understand until we step back and admire our work. We mold things until they’re brittle, break it, then mush it together and start all over again.
We are the world's 'creative people'. When hardships are placed in our way we find the beauty and keep on going.
Barrett Morgan Design LLC started in a basement. Then we moved into a closet. Now we’re in a corner office on Rock Road here in Wichita, KS. We started making flash websites, then promotional CD’s, photography, business cards, t-shirts, drink coasters, brochures, content management system websites, facebook pages, twitter backgrounds, fliers, post cards, and even wine bottle labels!
We love what we do. So, if you have a project in mind, hire someone who can be passionate about your product, your goals, and who will outright enjoy their job.
Thank you for an amazing 5 years. We are truly grateful.
Take care,
Barrett Morgan, President of Barrett Morgan Design LLC